What you can do at this website:
Download the Official rules for a Yankee Swap in PDF file format (no charge!) DOWNLOAD: right-click this link and choose "save target as..." Order a bundle of documents that will help you plan and run a Yankee Swap event for your organization, including:
a guidebook, including the rules for the "Bird in Hand" version and a special one for small groups ("Play It Again, Sam.") A Sample Invitation to a Yankee Swap. A quick reference sheet and checklist for the swap coordinator. A freely-distributable document with the Official Rules for a Yankee Swap. Order (only $7.95)
Thirty percent (30%) of all income generated at this site is given to OxFam America. Everytime we receive $50, we send $15 to Oxfam to fight hunger. Please visit http://www.oxfamamerica.org.